xperience counts, and it's a good predictor of results. With a marketing firm, experience is the chief attribute you buy along with skills, creativity, and vision.
We're proud of our consultants and consider them all people of high character, as well as excellent marketing and business development professionals.
J. Sean Branagan
Sean is founder of Communigration and a Senior Consultant. He is a recognized expert in Interactive Marketing, Technology Marketing, business-to-business marketing and using digital media for creating accountable and measurable marketing processes. [more...]
Maureen Rogers
Maureen is a Senior Consultant specializing in market positioning, business plan development, and technology product marketing making products and services easier to sell and easier to buy. Maureen has experience in the software and managed services industries, expertise in high-tech products and services.
John Whiteside
John is a Senior Consultant with expertise in marketing strategy, product marketing, and marketing communications, including building processes for database marketing and effective sales/marketing interaction. He has experience in the software, managed services, and the collaboration/messaging industries.
Jeff Hodnett
Jeff is a Communigration Consultant and Senior Analyst Relations Director with domain expertise in IT, high-tech, healthcare and telecommunications sectors, specializing in high-tech media planning, analyst relations, and corporation communications for public companies.
Brian Hoke
Brian is a Communigration Consultant and Senior Interactive Services Director with domain expertise in education, higher education, non-profits and public sectors, specializing in databases, web development, interactive tools, and online metrics and analytics.
Janelle Fields
Janelle is a Communigration Project Manager with skills and experience focused on "getting the job done!" With experience in a number of areas of marketing communications, business development and project management, she has worked in corporate settings as well as non-profit and consulting roles.
Brad Barrett
Brad is a Consultant with expertise in Search Engine Optimization and has been positioning companies on the major search engines since 1998.
Sharon P. Glott
Sharon is a Communigration Consultant and Senior Project Director with domain expertise in government services, pharmaceutical, and IT industries with experience in marketing metric analysis, business development, regulatory and quality controls, and program administration.
Rosanne Desmone
Rosanne is a Communigration Consultant and Senior Media Relations Director with domain expertise in government, associations, and corporate sectors, specializing in media planning, trade show communications, Website content, and integrated PR and marketing programs.
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